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2022-09-14 小编:江阴环球 239


  Describe a sentence/ few words from a poem or song

  You should say

  What it is/they are

  When you listen to it/them

  What it means/them mean

  How you feel about it/them



  物品类(抽象物品类), 也可延伸为媒体类或事件类。


  what they are: I believe in myself      I believe in my future

  我相信我就是我 我相信明天

  What they mean: 关键词联想 self-confidence / motivation / inspiring / encouraging

  由歌词意思,拓展为成长经历/成长故事/构建自信心/激励实现目标 (物品——事件)

  when you listen to them:时间,这里时间包含什么时候听到的,也可以说第一次听到时的场景




  how you feel about them:give me hope / support me through the dark time

  【Sample Answer高分范文】

  第一段:点题 1歌词内容 2介绍歌词来自哪首歌 3歌词意思 4什么时候激励了我

  I've heard millions of sentences or words  from songs before,but there’s only one song whose lyrics strike a chord with me. Emm, I seemed to remember that the title of the song was called 我相信in Chinese. If you put it in English, then it’s called I believe. As the name suggests, the song tries to tell us that we should be confident and we shouldn’t fear making mistakes. I would say that was what I needed the most at that time when I was gearing up for the College Entrance Examination. Maybe..it was about four years ago .

  第二段:具体展开 说明背景——高三压力大;介绍压力来源 I mean, the Gaokao was probably the most important challenge for every high school student, including me. The grades you got from the test kinda determined what university you would be admitted to. So I was quite stressed out. Though I already put a lot of time and effort to the preparation for the test, the scores didn’t turn out well.

  So I lost my faith and felt like giving up. I didn’t do anything about the test for quite a few days.

  Luckily, My friends sent me this song through Wechat, hoping that it will boost my confidence.

  第三段:点题 1听到这首歌的时间  2朋友介绍 朋友介绍的原因和方式 3听完歌曲后的感受 找回自信

It was quite an old song with pleasant melody and that’s what I was attracted to at first. But then I noticed its lyrics. They’re full of positive meanings. They basically convey the meaning that one has to believe in himself or herself. I gotta say they really relate to me. Just like fire, my interests in learning were rekindled and they were raging strong. In the end, I summoned up my courage and gave it another shot.


  Anyway, thanks to the lyrics, I was able to clear my mind and pick up the pieces. Even to this day, those inspiring words still cheer me up, carrying me through the good and bad times.


  【Language bits亮点表达】

  strike a chord with me引起我的共鸣

  As the name suggests就像它的名字一样

  gear up for + sth 为...做全力准备=pull out all the stops to do sth

  be admitted to被认可;被招收=get into

  be stressed out让某人压力山大=be under a great deal of pressure

  put a lot of time/ effort to投入大量时间/精力

  lose faith失去信心 VS boost one’s confidence提升自信

  was attracted to被吸引=appeal to sb

  They basically convey the meaning that one has to believe in himself or herself同位语从句

  relate to sb引起某人共鸣

  interests in learning were rekindled学习的兴趣重新被点燃(被动语态)

  they were raging strong热情燃烧

  summoned up my courage重拾勇气

  gave it another shot重新尝试

  clear my mind理清思绪and pick up the pieces重整旗鼓(打起精神重新出发)

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