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2022-09-12 小编:江阴环球 244


  Describe a film that made you think a lot

  You should say

  What it was

  What it was about

  How you felt about

  And explain why it made you think a lot




  what it was:电影题目,此处可以拓展who,where,when

  who:alone / with friends

  where:in cinema / at home / on the phone

  when:weekend / one evening

  What it was about: 电影介绍,无需用高大上的词,重点是感受和为什么think a lot

  How you felt about:可以结合what,也就是电影内容,说其自然地推进

  内容:time inversion + 感想:the revelation of future

  电影特效 + 感想:towering sensory riot

  【Sample Answer高分范文】

  I hit the cinema the other day, and saw the debut of Tenet, a blend of action and sci-fi, which has been just screened recently, as the cinemas are finally allowed to reopen to public after the outbreak of Covid-19. It was said to be a big-budgeting movie, and it turned out to be a true blockbuster.

  Now, I would like to brief you on the movie. The plots basically go like this: in a twilight world of international espionage, an unnamed CIA operative, known as The Protagonist, was recruited by a mysterious organization called Tenet to participate in a global assignment. The mission was to prevent a Russian oligarch from starting World War III. As a result, the Protagonist mastered the art of "time inversion" and avoided the war.

  To tell you the truth, I found it hard to gather all the information at the first watch, since many scenes were like broken pieces to me. Tried as I may, it was still difficult to put all pieces together, and so I was baffled. But after watching it for a few times, the hidden elements, I mean, all those confusing scenes came to light. So you could say, it was a towering sensory riot that sent me out of the cinema, buzzing and rattled…What a joy, to feel that again after being cooped up at home for months due to the pandemic.

  But, on the whole, it’s a thought-provoking film, not only in terms of the difficult concept-time inversion, but also the revelation of a terrifyingly gleaming future.

  【Language Bits亮点表达】

  1.hit the cinema去电影院(hit the bar/beach/bar/swimming pool)

  2.debut of Tenet…的首映=the premier of …

  3.a blend of…的混合=a mix of

  4.has been just screened recently刚刚上映=just came out in the cinema

  5.reopen to public重新对公众开放

  6.the outbreak of Covid-19新冠疫情的爆发covid-19=the pandemic

  7.brief you on the movie简要介绍…

  8.plots故事情节=story-line (storyline大多单数)

  补充:the plot has lots of twists and turns跌宕起伏的情节;gripping=intriguing引人入胜=it basically had me on the edge of the seat


  10.global assignment全球(性的)任务

  11.time inversion时间逆转

  12.gather all the information将所有信息整合起来

  13.broken pieces支离破碎的(信息)

  13.Tried as I may不管我如何尝试=now matter how hard I try

  14.put all pieces together将所有信息拼凑起来=to piece sth together

  15.I was baffled让我困惑不已=be confused=be puzzled

  16.confusing scenes came to light=令人迷惑的场景逐渐变得清晰

  17.towering sensory riot强烈的感官困惑

  18.buzzing and rattled…嗡嗡作响(脑袋一片迷糊)

  19.be cooped up at home被困在家里

  20.thought-provoking发人深思的=get me deep in thought

  21.in terms of就…而言=when it comes=speaking of=as far as …is concerned

  22.revelation of a terrifyingly gleaming future可怕又迷人的未来带来的启示

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