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2022-09-11 小编:江阴环球 234


  Describe a time you met an old friend who you hadn't been in contact with for a long time

  You should say

  When and where it happened

  Why you hadn't been in contact with this friend for a long time

  What you did together when you met this person

  How you felt about it





  when and where it happened:时间+地点

  拓展:地点-环境/(如果是室内) 内部装修/简单说明选择该地点的原因

  时间-准确的日期/模糊的recently/the other day 都可以

  Why you hadn't been in contact with this friend for a long time:

  建议放在how you feel about it 前面说,而不是按照题目顺序



  What you did together when you met this person:what+细节





  how you feel about it:感受+未来



  【Sample Answer高分范文】


  The other day, I met with an old bosom friend in a pretty new and fancy restaurant in my city. Her name is Lisa.

  第二段:描述见面的细节;叙事 We reserved a seat in advance since the restaurant has had a long reputation of being good at executing quintessential British dishes and American comfort food. We ordered their signature brunch which came with four appetizers and were actually large in portion. The restaurant had a casual, comfortable and buoyant atmosphere. The highlight was when she gave me my birthday present which I already forgot because we haven’t had the chance to celebrate it face-to-face during the pandemic. It was a set of necklace from my favorite brand.


We really had a whale of time there and we chatted about what happened to us recently because we haven’t really seen each other since January 4th. Well, obviously, we were stuck at home because of the previous shutdown and social distancing restrictions and later on we were occupied with the final exams and essays from school, so it took us nearly half a year to gather around.


I really appreciate the fact that even though we can’t see each other very often, yet we still had many things to share and we still felt connected at heart. It was not the gift that made me happy really but the quality of our conversation. It really enlightened me so much after a tough week of study to see my close friend and to feel empowered by my invaluable friendship.


  【Language bits亮点表达】

  bosom friend 密友

  = close friend

  reserve a seat 预订/预留座位

  = book a seat

  have a long reputation of 享有……的声誉

  = be famous for

  quintessential 典范的;典型的

  comfort food  (令人心情愉快但可能无益健康的)安慰食品

  large in portion 份量大

  buoyant 心情愉快的;生气勃勃的

  have a whale of time 度过欢乐时光

  be occupied with 被占用(时间)/忙于……

  = be busy with

  enlighten 启发

  empower 给予……力量

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