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2022-09-10 小编:江阴环球 386


  Describe an interesting tradition in your country.  You should say:      What it is      What do people do      What is interesting about it  And explain how you feel about this tradition


  题目属于传统/纪念日/节日类型,需要预备和积累相关传统和节日的专用词汇,比如dragon boat, red envelope/red packet, dumplings, couplets, family get-together






  【Sample Answer高分答案】

  Well, there are simply too many traditions in China. However, the only interesting tradition that comes to my mind , right at this moment, is giving Red Packets during Spring Festival.

  So what exactly is that? Umm....it basically means the lucky money wrapped in a red envelop and given on a " red letter day" like Spring Festival, wedding date, or birthday, to name only a few.  But why people send lucky money during this special time of the year? There are many reasons behind this, one of which is that Chinese people believe that this " lucky money" can really bring good luck or fortune to those who they love. So they are in the habit of sending it to the friends or relatives who visit them during this festive period.

  Another reason might be that it is a well-received gift for the receivers as they can use it to buy whatever they like or need. And as far as i know, people, in general, spend a large sum of money celebrating this festive event.

  For example, they might need to purchase spring couplets, new furniture, expensive food or even treat their family members or friends to a nice dinner. All of these activities involve a high cost.  Having said that, what's the funny part in this tradition? Well, I guess you can compensate for the cost of these activities with the lucky money you receive! right? So I think it's a good tradition and it should be handed down from generation to generation.



  1.引出话题, 在有限的考场氛围下缓解紧张情绪,进入考试状态: Well, there are simply too many traditions in China. However, the only interesting tradition that comes to my mind, right at this moment, is giving Hong Bao during Spring Festival.

  2. 解释红包是什么东西

  It basically means the lucky money wrapped in a red envelop and given on a " red letter day" like Spring Festival, wedding date, or birthday, to name only a few.

  3. 解释为何有这个传统:


  There are many reasons behind this, one of which is that Chinese people believe that this " lucky money" can really bring good luck or fortune to those who they love.


  So they are in the habit of sending it to the friends or relatives who visit them during this festive period.


  Another reason might be that it is a well-received gift for the receivers as they can use it to buy whatever they like or need.


And as far as i know, people, in general, spend a large sum of money celebrating this festive event. For example, they might need to purchase spring couplets, new furniture, expensive food or even treat their family members or friends to a nice dinner. All of these activities involve a high cost.

  解释为何发红包是一个interesting tradition:

  Having said that, what's the funny part in this tradition? Well, I guess you can compensate for the cost of these activities with the lucky money you receive! right?

  解释how you feel about it:

  So I think it's a good tradition and it should be handed down from generation to generation.

  【Language bits高分表达】


  Come to my mind=pop up in my head 立马能够想到的

  Lucky money利是,压岁钱

  Be wrapped in 用…..包装

  Red-letter day 意义重大的好日子

  There are many reasons behind this, one of which is that


  Be in the habit of doing sth 有做……的习惯

  A well-received gift 对收礼者来说送得很合适的礼物

  A well-chosen gift 对送礼者来说挑选得很合适的礼物

  Whatever they like or need任何他们喜欢或者需要的东西

  Compensate for 补偿…..(精神损失,经济损失,弥补….开支等,可用于抽象类名词,如: compensate for the feeling of loneliness)

  Having said that=despite what has just been said 用于提及前文已经提到的内容,可用于转折关系

  Be handed down from generation to generation世代传承,一般主语是 “传统,工艺等”


  语气词well, umm, so, right?

  委婉表达might be that, would be that, in general

  个人看法的表达: I think, I guess, as far as I know

  可以突出展示pronunciation, 提升交流感的手段有:


  Having said that, what's the funny part in this tradition?


  Well, I guess you can compensate for the cost of these activities with the lucky money you receive!

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