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2022-08-30 小编:江阴环球 299

  雅思口语新题题库推送:居住话题,基于10月份很多同学在口语part 1考试时候都遇到关于“居住”的话题,这一期和大家分享一下和这个主题有关的真题回答思路和答案。

  Part1: home/accommodation:

  1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?


  I live in a high-rise apartment building located in the center of our city.  The unit that I live in is a 3-bedroom apartment and I share it with my family.


  2.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

  Tips: 和别人分享一下自己的习惯。 I like to relax when I get home from school (or work). I like to listen to music and watch my favorite movies in my room. During weekends, I like to take care of my plants on the balcony, and invite some friends over for meals.

  3.Are the transport facilities near your home very good?  There are a lot of transportation facilities near where I live, such as multiple subway lines and a couple bus stations. However, because I live in downtown, the subways and buses are always extremely crowded and sometimes even hard to get in. So I won’t say the facilities are very good here.

  4.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

  Flat and house 各有好处,House的话一般位于outskirts of a city or the suburban areas, 那里虽然不是十分便利但可以自然环境优美。

  如果说flat, 可以: I actually enjoy living in a flat more, though I know a lot of my friends enjoy houses.  Flats are usually located at the central place of a city, and I enjoy the easy access to work and other facilities like public libraries, restaurants, shopping malls, etc.

  Part 1: Furniture (New)

  1.Do you have a lot of furniture in your home?  In fact I don’t. I like simplicity and I don’t need a lot of stuff or luxuries. My home only has the most basic furniture, such as a couch, a dining table, a chair, a bed, etc. I like to have more empty space in my home.

  2.Is there anyone who bought furniture for you?

  如果你是student: Yes. I am only 16 years old and I don’t have any income. My parents bought all my furniture I need in my room.

  如果你在工作: I bought all my furniture myself. I usually pick out furniture from Ikea because I like their simplistic and western styles.

  3.What kind of furniture would you like to buy?

  I would like to buy a nicer couch for my living room. The one I currently have is extremely old and too soft if I want to sit on it for a long time.

  4. Which furniture do you like best in your home?  I like my bookshelf the most. It is tailored made to fit the size of my small study room. The color is beige which is calm and relaxing. I put not just books, but also a lot of my childhood toys in this shelf, which you can see through the glass.

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