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您所在的位置: 首页 > 雅思备考>雅思口语5-8月Part2话题:8分素材之丢东西的经历


2022-03-17 小编:江阴环球 212



  Describe an occasion that you lost something.You should say:

  What you lost

  When and where you lost it

  What you did to find it

  And explain how you felt about it













  答案示例 I'd like to talk about a time when I lost my earbuds but I had the good fortune of getting them back. I am a bit of an audiophile and I love listening to music on my way to work, so a few months back I bought a new pair of very expensive earbuds. They had unmatchedsound clarity and bass. I adored my earbuds and I couldn't get enough of them. I carried them wherever I went and last week I had to accompany my niece to her dance rehearsal at school because her parents were busy. As soon as I reached the classroom I took off my earbuds and kept them on a table. Just then my niece's teacher walked in so I went to have a chat with her.  Afterward, I returned to the table where I had kept my earbuds and to my horror the entire table was cleaned out. I was panic stricken. I frantically searched all over but I couldn't find my prized earbuds. Anxiety and dread began to creep in. My niece suggested talking to the cleaning lady. and thank god she told us she had cleaned the class and all the waste was collected in trash bags. Luckily my earbuds did not get dirty as the bags contained only paper waste.  I was overjoyed and I profusely thanked the cleaning lady. Since then I try to be more mindful about where I put my belongings. On one side, I have a tiny bag only for my earbuds that I carry around with me.


  earbuds 荣耀无线耳机

  have the good fortune of 很幸运

  audiophile 音乐爱好者

  unmatched 无与伦比的

  sound clarity and bass 音质清晰度和低音

  I couldn't get enough of them 我对他们如痴如醉

  take off 拿下

  to my horror 让我惊恐的是

  panic stricken 惊慌失措

  frantically searched all over 疯狂地到处寻找

  Anxiety and dread began to creep in. 恐惧和焦虑的情绪弥漫

  overjoyed 喜出望外

  profusely thank 万分感谢,详情咨询老师即可~

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