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托福独立口语万能理由 Part 2

2022-09-29 小编:江阴环球 313


近些年来,中国考生在托福独立口语部分的得分普遍偏低,鲜见 “Good” 档次。究其原因,除了语音语调、词汇语法的问题外,内容信息不足和逻辑缺失也很明显;尤其对于思维局限和语言水平不高的同学们来说,要在15秒内想到两个适用的理由和正确的表达尤为困难。在此篇文章,Phil老师继续来介绍几个好用的万能理由及其在具体考题中的使用。

1.to make friends/strengthen friendship

常用词汇及短语:to share the same interest(s),to talk to / communicate with someone,to share one’s experiences,to do sth together etc.

例题1:What is your favorite activity to do in the weekend? Give reasons to explain your answer.


By doing sports, I can make more friends because it’s easier to meet people who share the same interests this way. For example, I like to play tennis and I always have fun playing with some new guy on the court. After that, we would talk about tennis stars like Roger Federer and some recent tennis games.

例题2:Some students choose to take lessons during summer break while others prefer to have a rest or take a trip. Which one do you prefer? Use specific details or examples to explain your answer.

思路:选择“to have a rest or take a trip”,心情更好,就更容易更自在地跟人打交道,也就能认识一些有趣的朋友:

I can make some interesting friends this way. You see, with a great mood, I’d like to talk to more people and share my experiences with them, and people would be more willing to communicate with me in this way.

例题3:Talk about a challenging experience you had before and how meaningful that is to you.

思路:比如可以说“attending a basketball competition”,一个意义就是那次经历帮我交到了很多朋友,在比赛之前,我只是个普普通通的男/女生,赢了比赛之后,火了,很多人想认识我:

This experience also helped me make a lot more friends. You see, before that, I was just an ordinary guy in my school; but after winning the competition, many people liked to talk to me or hang out with me because I brought them honor and pride.

2.to learn/cultivate some skill(s)

常用词汇及短语:to learn/cultivate/improve/enhance sth,reading/writing/language/… ability (concrete skills),communicative/cooperative/organizational skills, leadership, teamwork spirit, independence (abstract skills) etc.

例题1:What is your favorite activity to do in the weekend? Give reasons to explain your answer.

思路:这次我们以“reading English novels”为主题,原因是提高了读写能力,具体可以这样说:

My English is greatly improved after I make that my favorite hobby because I’ve learnt a lot about those original words and expressions in the novels. You know, sometimes I would even try to write something in English by imitating some passages in them.

例题2:Talk about a challenging experience you had before and how meaningful that is to you.

思路:还是说“attending a basketball competition”,另外一个意义是我通过做队长锻炼了我的组织和领导能力:

That was the first time I attended the competition as the captain of my team. I made lots of efforts to have the team members cooperate with each other and thus building up the team-work spirit, so my leadership and organizational skills were cultivated in that process.

例题3:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is better to work in a group than to work alone?

思路:从提升能力的角度来说,两边都可以选,选择“to work in a group”可以说团队协作能力、沟通能力或者领导力,选择“to work alone”可以说独立能力,这里以后者为例:

When I work alone, I can learn to be independent because I cannot ask for someone else’s help easily. I gotta concentrate on my work and make efforts to find out all the possible solutions when I have a problem. This is helpful for myself.


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