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托福独立口语万能理由 Part 3

2022-09-25 小编:江阴环球 210

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近些年来,中国考生在托福独立口语部分的得分普遍偏低,鲜见 “Good” 档次。究其原因,除了语音语调、词汇语法的问题外,内容信息不足和逻辑缺失也很明显;尤其对于思维局限和语言水平不高的同学们来说,要在15秒内想到两个适用的理由和正确的表达尤为困难。在此篇文章,Phil老师来介绍最后三个好用的万能理由及其在具体考题中的使用。

1. to be good / bad for health

常用词汇及短语:out-door activities, sports (running, swimming, playing tennis…), build up one’s muscles, keep a great shape/figure, immune system, metabolism, couch potatoes etc.

例题1:Some universities require students to take PE classes. Others don’t have this requirement. Which do you agree with and why?


Sample:This policy is good to students’ health. Running or playing basketball for some time can help them build up their muscles and improve their metabolism. I bet those students can feel more refreshed after exercising.

例题2:Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why?


Sample:Watching TV for too long is bad for people’s health. They might just lie in the couches and eat snacks while watching TV, and there wouldn’t be enough time for them to do some out-door activities or sports. Gradually they will just become couch potatoes.

2. to improve academic performance

常用词汇及短语:homework / assignment, to write papers, to do researches, to get involved in group discussion, to exchange ideas, concentration, distraction etc.

例题1:If you are about to make a donation to a community, which one would you prefer: city library, animal rescue center or environmental organization?


Sample:If I do so, the city library can use the money to upgrade some study facilities and buy more computers. As a result, more students would like to write their papers or do some researches in the library. It can improve their academic performance greatly.

例题2:Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


Sample:Working in a study group can help me improve my academic performances. When I have questions, I can easily ask others or there might be some group discussion that I could be involved in. It’s just easier to find solutions than working alone.

3. to be more convenient

常用词汇及短语:to follow one’s own schedule, to save time, to save energy, no need to wait, instant etc.

例题1:Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


Sample:It is more convenient for me to study on class assignments on my own. I mean, I can make my own study schedule instead of following everybody else’s time. When I feel uncomfortable, I can delay things a little bit and I can work more when I feel great.

例题2:Which of the following can be better sources of news? Newspapers or TV?


Sample:It’s more convenient to get news updates on TV. You have to wait at least one day for a newspaper, while you can know what has happened on the other side of globe from TV on the same day. For emergent events, we even have instant news on TV.


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