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2022-09-21 小编:江阴环球 259




一· 使用有更强表意能力的形容词或副词


good —— great, valuable, practical, talented, inspiring etc.

bad —— difficult, unpleasant, frightening, depressing etc.

nice (for a person) —— kind, helpful, encouraging, generous etc.

nice (for an object) —— amazing, extraordinary, wonderful, useful etc.

well (adverb) —— skillfully, quickly, efficiently etc.

二· 使用介词短语或从句来做定语或状语



1. What was the most useful class that you took in high school? Give reasons for your response.

原表达:Typing was a good class because I learned a lot. It was hard, but I’m glad that I worked hard and made progress. Now I can type well without looking at my hands.

进阶表达:Typing was a practical class because I learned a lot of word-processing skills. It was a difficult class with daily homework assignments, but I’m glad that I worked hard and made significant progress. Now I can type quickly, easily and accurately without looking down at my hands.

2. What is your favorite activity to do by yourself? Give reasons to explain your answer.

原表达:I like to watch American TV series when I am alone. I can find a lot of good characters and enjoy good stories. It doesn’t cost much. It is a nice way to learn English

进阶表达:I like to watch American TV series in the weekend when I am alone. I can find a lot of interesting characters and enjoy amazing and exciting stories. It doesn’t cost much because we can download them on line, which is convenient, and I also enjoy it because it is helpful to English learning.

3. Talk about a relative who taught you something important. Explain what you learned.

原表达:I learned how to be patient from my uncle. He’s a good man. He doesn’t get angry. He rarely feels stressed.

进阶表达:I learned how to be patient from my uncle. He’s an excellent example of a patient man. He doesn’t get upset or angry when plans change or things go wrong. He rarely feels stressed.

4. Talk about an interesting place that you have visited. Use details in your response.

原表达:I went to Paris. It was nice. It was large. I saw a lot of things. I ate some good food, and I met some nice people.

进阶表达:I went to Paris for two weeks when I was in high school. It was a wonderful experience. It was the largest city I had ever visited. I saw a lot of famous monuments and museums. I ate some fancy French food, and I met some friendly French people my age.


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