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2022-09-01 小编:江阴环球 218


  France:  History:since the 17th century, Francehas played a major role in European and world events. In the 20th century, ithas experienced numerous crises, including the devastation of two world wars,political and social upheavals, and the loss of a large empire in Indochina, Algeria,and West and Equatorial Africa. It has, however, survived and emerged from theruins of World War II to become an important world supplier of agricultural andindustrial products and a major partner in the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY  Paris,city of fashion: Parisand fashion go together like bread and butter, wine and cheese, two peas in apod, etc....  The list of clichés can go on forever.  As G**rudeStein stated it in her 1940 novel Paris France, “It was in Paris that the fashions were made.” True, thinking of fashion designers brings about many French names, such asChanel, Louis Voitton, Jean Paul Gaultier.  As far as anyone can remember,Paris hasalways been the fashion capital of the world.  Perhaps it is the designercoutures that dot every major street corner or the hundreds of beautiful peoplethat walk up and down the tree-lined streets everyday.  Or maybe it isbecause of the runway shows and photo shoots that occur everyday.  Andperchance it is not just that the fashion business is in Paris, but that the Parisians arefashionable.  They do not have to try to be fashionable, they just are.  Food:I loveFrench exotic foods. I had tried many French foods while I was traveling in France a fewyears ago. The garlic frog leg and grill escargot in herb and butter arefantastic. Lunches with the skinny beget bread and duck liver patés with aglass of red wine is great. I love French patés.

二.生日(yourown or someboday else’s)  1.BirthdayParties are getting more elaborate and original everyday. Sometimesa birthday party with a simple theme just isn't enough. People sometimes liketo create birthday parties that are special and unique, parties that the guestsand children will remember forever, then original ideas in invitations,decorations, supplies, banners, or costumes could help get people on their wayto a most unforgettable birthday party. (用于Dream Job-birthday partyplanner / 最admire的一个人:yourbrother who is full of original ideas and becomes a birthday party planner andmakes thousands of dollars a month/ 难忘的事件:你的上一个birthday请了一个birthdayparty planner,结果很AWESOME,他告诉你creativity is of vital importance to success / object: a birthday card from thecreative birthday party planner with the sentence “creativity is of vitalimportance to success”on it.)

2.American National Birthday: On July 4, 1776, America claimed independence from Britainand Democracy was born. Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedomand independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. Every daythousands leave their homeland to come to the "land of the free and thehome of the brave" so they can begin their American Dream.The United Statesis truly a diverse nation made up of dynamic people. (用于dream: go to America, 因为自己的生日就是这一天) 3.This year is extra special for me for according to the Chinese zodiac calendar it isthe year of the dog, which is my year. So I think that is good enough excuse tothrow a big party. At six,my best friend Lina and Monica came to my partylooking fabulous in their elegant black dresses, bringing with them a big cake.Twenty other friends came later that day. Before I knew it, it was 12 midnight.I was led into the room to blow out candles and cut the cake, signifying meturning one year older. Then it happened. Alex pushed the candles further downinto the cake. And I smelt a rat. He announced that according tradition, thebirthday boy / girl is supposed to pick up the candles from the cake with hismouth. So I leaned forward and bang, the next second, my head was pressed downand my whole face was covered by cream. People started laughing and shouting.We had a good time chilling out that night.  4.I don't know how many of you are aware of it, but Disneyland has a programwhereby you and a party of friends can celebrate your birthday in the Magic Kingdom.I attended one of these for my niece's birthday and thought it was pretty cool.Have a bunch of the characters around for autographs and pictures, and thenthey play some games with the kids. We all declined to participate inSimon-Says led by the Mad Hatter, but we did take some pictures of the three ofus with some characters and in the general birthday area.

  SAMPLE: My 10 year old birthday isthe most memorable event. On that day, I received a birthday card from LiJiacheng, who received little education in his childhood because of pov**y,but who later became the richest man in Chinaand who made great contributions to the education in China. It was written “Knowledgechanges fate”, a sentence simple but meaningful. It was from that day I learnthe value of knowledge and dream to become a teacher who distributes knowledgeto a lot of people. Now I specialize in education in my University and feelcloser to my original dream.

  三.毕业  OnThursday I had my graduation ceremony, where I was awarded the c**ificate formy Computing Science degree course. It was a really good day, and the weatherwas good too. In fact, the only bad thing was that after I had put my gown on,we all had to stand outside the hall in the baking heat until our ceremonystarted. In the actual ceremony, they called each student onto the stage one byone. My Mum and Dad were in the main hall watching me. After the ceremony, wehad photos taken, and then there was an after party held in a marquee outside,where we were given wine or orange juice and a few bite size snacks.

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