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托福口语:Task 1“三选一”真题及解析Ⅲ

2022-08-28 小编:江阴环球 260

接上期托福口语徐品品老师分享的:Task 1“三选一”真题及解析,接着分享:托福口语:Task 1“三选一”真题及解析Ⅲ

近年来托福口语第一道题中频繁出现“三选一”的题型;与传统task 1题目不同的是,这类题型限制了一个话题下考生的选择,因此需要我们平时更多的素材积累和练习准备,这其中真题的训练尤为重要。下面品品老师继续给大家提供两道近年的task 1“三选一”真题和回答范例,建议同学们先自行练习,再参考老师的思路和例文,希望能帮助到大家。

1.Sep. 12th, 2015

Which one do you think is the best way to get to know a city: joining in an organized tour, visiting the museum or walking along the streets?

参考思路:选择“joining in an organized tour”;Reason 1: professional knowledge from tour guides, Reason 2: fully concentrating on knowing the city without any burdens.


As far as I’m concerned, joining in an organized tour would be the best way to get to know a city. Most people are not so familiar with other places, and it would be unrealistic for them to do the research before travelling because they might be busy working or studying. If they just want to have some fun, there is no harm to visit the museum or walk along the streets. But if they reallyaim to know about a new city, they would need some professional knowledge which can be provided by the tour guides in the

organized tours. The second reason is that by joining in an organized tour, people don’t need to worry about terms like accommodation, flight tickets and other stuff because they are all set. In thisway, they can fully concentrate on knowing the city without any burdens.

2.Aug. 21st, 2016

Which period do you think is most challenging: childhood, teenage or adulthood?

参考思路:选择“teenage period”;Reason 1: start to face some new problems, Reason 2: face a dilemma to hold on to their own ideas or not.


In my opinion, teenage period is the most challenging one and I’ve got some reasons for that. First, teenagers start to face some problems like what to learn as a major anddealing with a relationship, something that is totally new to them. Basically they have to learn those by themselves. What’s more, compared to adults who can control their ownlives and kids who just rely on their parents, youngsters face the dilemma that they need to live a life in between. They might have their own ideas towards certain issues but just have to compromise. Those are the reasons why I think teenagers face the most challenges of all.

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