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2022-10-26 小编:江阴环球 512
摘要:【环球教育】为考生们提供最新最全的托福写作技巧,托福写作资料,托福写作范文.更多托福写作 相关文章,请关注环球教育!




  The lecture mainly talked about the ancient Europe connected with native Americans, North, by transporting silver coin to there, with some evidence, the lecture assumed that the history of connection with Native American was history fake. Nonetheless, the professor in the listening material voted against the content mentioned in the passage for several reasons and controversies.

First off, contrary to the content mentioned in the reading passage that the distance between Europe and America is too far away for traveling at that time, the professor demonstrated that the Norse, now in Canada, has the same site with the history records, which can explain the geological evidence for available traveling. Furthermore, ancient Europe loved to obtain objectives from all over the world, therefore, it is likely for them to reach the native America to attain things and bring back to Europe.

Moreover, to convince audience not to believe the context listed in the article that no other coins found beside those, the speaker in the listening record illustrated that it is necessary for Europe to go far away, which is also permanent. As we all know, silver coins are much valuable and could be considered as trading material. Thus, for the religion reason, Europes have appropriate reasons to take coins back to their homeland, and will not leave for Norse. Finally, to further oppose the content in the lecture that there is even no use for Norse as European Coins, the spoken man in the listening lecture deemed that silver coins are actually very attractive and unusual for Norse, hence, they were willing to trade for those coins. For instance, neckless and other jewelries are so attractive for Norse, so they trade for them by using their local items. All in all, the professor in the listening material disagreed with all of the opinions mentioned by author for several reasons.






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