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2022-05-15 小编:江阴环球 306


  A 类大作文

  作文题目:Parentsshouldencouragechildrentospendlesstimestudyingandmoretimeondoingphysical activities.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?



  参考文章 In this day and age, a large proportion of children lead sedentary lifestyles and spend a significant amount of time in front of screens or books rather than doing physical activity. Whether youngsters ought to reduce time studying in favour of doing a greater amount of physical activity will be further explored.

Despite expert recommendations, the majority of children are not getting enough exercise and this might lead to future health issues down the road. Childhood obesity is certainly on the rise, not to mention diabetes, and this alarming trend needs to be curbed in order to ensure a prosperous future for youngsters. Various health experts recommend several hours of physical activity for young people on a daily basis in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, research has indicated a greater amount of physical exercise can positively affect one’s mood, academic performance, brain function and mental well-being. As a result, parents ought to encourage children to spend less time studying and more time doing physical activity, which can be done in a variety of ways. First of all, parents should not place such a high emphasis on academic achievement at school at the expense of physical activity. Moreover, parents ought to encourage teachers and schools to ensure that children have enough time to participate in physical activities on a daily basis at school. Along the same lines, parents ought to praise their children for doing physical exercise and not only reward them when they achieve high scores at school.

All in all, there is a disturbing increase in the number of inactive kids all over the world, which has led to rises in obesity, diabetes and other health issues. Parents and teachers need to motivate kids to put down their books and do physical exercise in order to lead more balanced lifestyles.

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